Positions: Student Researcher
Created: 2023-10-22 Deadline:
Location: Poland
Few-shot learning (FSL), also referred to as low-shot learning (LSL) in few sources, is a type of machine learning problems where the training dataset contains limited information. Few-shot learning aims for Deep learning models to predict the correct class of instances when a small amount of examples are available in the training dataset.
The student needs to know how to program in both tensorflow and pytorch (In order to undestand the present code and implement new methods).
Contact: Przemysław Spurek (przemyslaw.spurek [ at ] uj.edu.pl)
GMUM (Group of Machine Learning Research) is a group of researchers working on various aspects of machine learning, and in particular deep learning - in both fundamental and applied settings. The group is led by prof. Jacek Tabor. We are based in the Jagiellonian University in the beautiful city of Kraków, Poland.
Some of the research directions our group pursues include:
In 2023, we organized the second edition of Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS^S) with a focus on Applications in Science. We invite participants to collaborate with us on various ongoing research projects - learn more here.
See lab's page